Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)
At the Provincial level, the management of Ontario’s aggregate resources is the responsibility of the Ministry of Natural Resources (the MNR). In 1997, in an effort to better focus resources on the delivery of core programs, the MNR took steps to build a partnership with private industry to manage certain administrative functions. Accordingly, subsections 6.1 (1) and 6.1 (3) of the Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. A.8, as amended (the Act), gave the Minister the power to create the Aggregate Resources Trust (the Trust) and appoint a Trustee to look after its affairs.
The Ministry of Natural Resources requested The Ontario Aggregate Resources Corporation (TOARC) to act as Trustee and in June of 1997 signed an indenture with the Corporation (the Trust Agreement) outlining the terms and conditions under which TOARC would fulfill the Trust purposes.