What is the purpose of MAAP Online Reporting Tool (MORT)?
MAAP Online Reporting Tool was created to provide the public with self – service access to information on legacy pits and quarries while respecting the right to privacy of the individual landowners. The MAAP program is utilizing MORT as a means of sharing the status of the legacy sites across the province, showcase the naturalization of many legacy sites and highlight excellent rehabilitation that has been completed while maintaining landowner confidentiality.
What are the features of MORT?
What are Legacy Pits?
Where did the inventory of the legacy sites come from?
Where can I get more information about a specific legacy pit or quarry?
What is meant by ‘Closed Files’?
What are the ‘closed classifications’ for Files?
MAAP Project:
MNR Project:
Rehabilitated by Landowner:
Crown Land:
No Trace of Extraction:
What does Landowner Not Interested (LNI) mean?
What does it mean if a file is ‘open’?
Are all open files equal?